
Members can receive the discount.
Please input email address and password by choosing "login" icon on the right top from top page after you registered a membership.
Please register our membership if you haven't yet.
Guest user can order as well.


Search product

From category

It will display the product by category on TOP page.
Input the product name on Search box from model no. or keyword and click the search button. The search result will be displayed as list. You can type all formats, full size, katakana, hiragana, alphabet and number.

Select from mold type

Suitable material will be displayed by each mold type
Each product page will be displayed when you click the title button.

Select from the list

You can select the product from Mold list or original products list.
Each product page will be displayed when you click the product title.

Select from repair content

Repair sample image will be displayed for each mold type
Click the icon button on the image and you can see the usage example and recommended product.

Select from T-LINE

This is Telus laser's own micro wire.
You will realize the difference with other manufacturers'. Confirm the product details upon each mold type and each product page will be displayed when you click the product name.

Add to cart

When you select the product, choose "Add to cart" and add the product to the cart.
Click "Check cart" or cart image and you can check the product and quantity that you added in cart.
If you want to change the quantity, input the correct quantity and select "recalculate".
In case you have the unrequired product in the cart, select "delete" or input "0" on quantity and recalculate.
If you continue shopping, select "back" on display browser.
If you proceed to order, select "Proceed to checkout".

Order from the order history

Select "order number" from order history on mypage and you can see the past order details If you would like to purchase the same product, select "product title". Product page will be displayed and you can purchase again.

Order method designation

Input requested delivery date, breakdown, order memo on the shopping cart page. If you would like to change the destination, select "proceed to checkout" and move to contact information page. Select "Deliver to the new address" from pull down list on destination address and add new address and you can change.
You can receive the order goods at our company if you wish prompt delivery. When you finished registering the destination address, select "Proceed to delivery method". If there's no problem with delivery information, select "proceed to payment".
Select "Back to information", and you can go back to the previous page.

Check order details

Please confirm products, quantity, price, delivery information, delivery method if there's no mistake. After you designated payment method and bill to information, select "pay now" button.
Select "back to delivery information", then you can go back to the previous page.

Thanks email

After we received an order, for the confirmation, thanks email is automatically sent to you from our website.

Delivery notice email

You will receive the email when the product is dispatched.


"We accept the orders, inquiry from the website and FAX for 24 hours.
However, we only receive the call within business hours."

(Business days) Monday - Friday (All closed on weekend and holiday)
(Business hours) AM9:00 - PM 5:00

My page

Customer information edit function

You can register/change customer's information. (For standard function, please contact the store manager.)

Password reset

If you forgot your password, you can reset the password.

Order history

Display the past orders.

Order details check function

Display the current order content.

Other delivery information edit function

You can register/edit/delete the multiple delivery information.